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NCOHR Publications
The Canadian Association for Dental Research (CADR) announces call for applications for the 2016-2017 CADR/NCOHR Student Research Awards Competition.  Awards are available for trainees to present their research at the IADR/AADR/CADR meeting in San Francisco, CA, USA in March 2017. Two of the most highly ranked applicants will receive the IADR Unilever Hatton Divisional Award.

The deadline for applications is September 2, 2016.  To apply, or for more information, download the call for applications.
Aug 16, 2021    Colgate Award for Research Excellence (CARE) Program
Jul 26, 2021    Call for Applications: CADR-NCOHR Student Research Awards 2021-22
Mar 19, 2021    2020-2021 New Frontier Seed Grant Awards
Mar 16, 2021    Appointment of NCOHR Associate Director
Mar 9, 2021    2020-21 CADR-NCOHR Student Research Presentation Award Winners
Jan 22, 2021    Dr. Chris Fox (IADR CEO): Oral health resolution, WHO Executive Bo...
Nov 19, 2020    NCOHR Leadership Excellence Award and ISAB Appointment
Oct 28, 2020    Call for Applications: CADR-NCOHR Student Research Presentation Aw...
Sep 2, 2020    IMHA Newsletter - September 2020
Aug 3, 2020    IMHA Newsletter - August 2020
Jun 2, 2020    Conducting Oral Health Research During Covid-19
May 20, 2020    IADR Gold Medal
May 15, 2020    Announcement of CADR-NCOHR National Student Research Group
Jan 23, 2020    Call for Nominations: CADR-NCOHR National Student Research Group (...
Jan 10, 2020    2020 RSBO-NCOHR Student Research Awards Competition
Dec 20, 2019    IMHA Congratulates Drs Elham Emami and Paul Allison (CAHS 2019 Fel...
Oct 29, 2019    13th International Conference on the Chemistry and Biology of Mine...
Oct 17, 2019    2019-2020 CADR-NCOHR Student Research Award Winners
Oct 3, 2019    IADR Symposium Report - Indigenizing the Academy: Truth and Reconc...
Sep 30, 2019    Reappointment of Director
Sep 13, 2019    2019 Alpha Omega Foundation of Canada Postdoctoral Education Resea...
Aug 20, 2019    CIHR Planning and Dissemination Grants - ICS
Aug 7, 2019    Dr. McKee Receives ASBMR Adele L. Boskey Award
Jul 24, 2019    Launch for the Project Grant: Fall 2019 competition
Jul 10, 2019    Call for Applications: CADR-NCOHR Student Research Awards 2019-20
Jun 12, 2019    Team Grant: Pathways to Health Equity for Aboriginal Peoples (Path...
May 30, 2019    Webinar: Help IMHA set research priorities for Oral Health Researc...
May 21, 2019    RFP to contract Associate Scientific Editors for HPCDP Journal
Mar 21, 2019    2019 ACFD Biennial Conference
Feb 26, 2019    CIHR-IMHA Priority Announcement
Feb 21, 2019    NCOHR E-Survey: Setting Oral Health Research Priorities
Feb 12, 2019    MEDTEQ and NCOHR Announcement
Jan 24, 2019    2018-2019 CADR-NCOHR Student Research Award Winners
Jan 16, 2019    McGill University Canada Research Chair Opportunity
Oct 29, 2018    Announcement of Gies Award for Innovation – Public or Private Part...
May 7, 2018    CADR/ACFD National Dental Research Award
Apr 11, 2018    2018 Summer Research Methodology Institute
Feb 1, 2018    NCOHR Funding Updates
Jan 17, 2018    CIHR-IMHA Undergraduate – Summer Studentship Award Institute Commu...
Jan 11, 2018    CIHR-IRSC Project Grant : Spring 2018 Priority Announcement (Speci...
Dec 13, 2017    NCOHR Town Hall Meetings
Dec 12, 2017    Government of Canada Announces Funding for NCOHR
Nov 15, 2017    Mitacs Elevate: Postdoc funding, All disciplines
Oct 12, 2017    2017-2018 CADR-NCOHR Student Research Award Winners
Oct 4, 2017    CARE Program Research Grant
Aug 25, 2017    Catalyst Grant : Indigenous Approaches to Wellness Research
Aug 9, 2017    Planning and Dissemination Grants - Institute/Initiative Community...
Jun 28, 2017    Call for Applications - CADR/NCOHR Student Research Awards 2017-18
Apr 10, 2017    2017 IADR/Unilever Hatton Competition
Feb 27, 2017    Operating Grant: CIHR New Investigator Grants in Maternal, Reprodu...
Jan 11, 2017    CIHR-INMD Operating Grant: Sugar and Health
Dec 20, 2016    Appointment Opportunities - Governing Council Members, CIHR
Nov 14, 2016    2016-2017 CADR-NCOHR Student Research Award Winners
Nov 9, 2016    CIHR Funding Opportunity: Catalyst Grant - Musculoskeletal Health ...
Oct 1, 2016    Announcement - New Director of NCOHR
Sep 1, 2016    Launch of the Pathways - Population Health Intervention Research (...
Jul 19, 2016    CIHR Funding Opportunity
Jul 8, 2016    Expressions of Interest: CIHR-IMHA Research Ambassadors
Jul 4, 2016    Call for Applications - CADR/NCOHR Student Research Awards
Jul 4, 2016    Canada-US ACFF Chapter Interprofessional Grant
Jun 28, 2016    Canadian Dental Specialties Association Student Travel Award
Jun 8, 2016    Upcoming Canadian Dental Student Workshop
Jun 1, 2016    CIHR Catalyst Grant: Analysis of CLSA Data
May 26, 2016    2015-2016 CADR-NCOHR Student Research Award Winners
May 18, 2016    2016 NCOHR Travel Award Competition Results
Apr 21, 2016    2016 Summer Research Institute
Apr 18, 2016    2016 Student Trainee Workshop
Apr 15, 2016    CDHA's Dental Hygiene Research Agenda
Mar 7, 2016    NCOHR Graduate Student/Postdoctoral Travel Award
Feb 17, 2016    CIHR Recruitment of College Chairs for the College of Reviewers
Feb 1, 2016    CIHR - Embedded Clinician Research Award - Important Partnership O...
Jan 22, 2016    CIHR Operating Grant: Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Jan 20, 2016    Nominations for CIHR Institute Advisory Board Members
Jan 19, 2016    Call for Working Papers
Jan 4, 2016    CIHR Planning and Dissemination Grants
Dec 1, 2015    Team Grant : Pathways Implementation Research Team (IRT) - Compone...
Nov 5, 2015    CIHR Embedded Clinician Researcher Salary Award
Oct 16, 2015    Reimagining Dental Education in Canada
Oct 16, 2015    UBC Dentistry grad student wins dental materials award
Oct 14, 2015    2015-2016 CADR-NCOHR Student Research Award Winners
Jul 31, 2015    NCOHR Student Elevator Pitch
Jul 21, 2015    UPDATE: Final Agenda for TTC Workshop
Jul 20, 2015    CIHR Important Funding Opportunity Announcement
Jul 10, 2015    CIHR-IPPH Funding for Population Health Intervention Research
Jun 26, 2015    UPDATE: Registration for TTC Workshop
May 7, 2015    2015 Student Trainee Workshop
May 4, 2015    CIHR-IMHA Team Grant: Pathways IRT Component 2
May 1, 2015    Technology, Translation and Commercialization workshop
Apr 17, 2015    CIHR-IMHA Funding for Collaborative Health Research Projects
Apr 13, 2015    Attend our Summer Research Institute
Mar 31, 2015    2014 Research Video Competition Results
Jan 27, 2015    NCOHR Video Competition - Online Voting
Jan 19, 2015    Communications Assistant
Jan 13, 2015    NCOHR at 2015 Pacific Dental Conference
Dec 17, 2014    Reminder: NCOHR Call for Proposals - 2015 Summer Research Institut...
Dec 16, 2014    CIHR-IMHA Funding for New Investigators in Oral Health
Dec 15, 2014    Reminder: NCOHR Call for Proposals - Team Building Workshops
Dec 15, 2014    CIHR - IMHA Funding for Undergraduate and Health Professional Stud...
Dec 12, 2014    2014 NCOHR Research Video Contest (Competition Closed)
Dec 8, 2014    Oral Health Film - IHDCYH Talks Video Competition
Nov 19, 2014    Call for Proposals - 2015 Summer Research Institutes
Nov 12, 2014    Paul Santerre wins 2014 Manning Award
Oct 29, 2014    SPOR Networks in Chronic Disease
Oct 29, 2014    CIHR - IMHA Funding for Chronic Pain
Oct 17, 2014    Open Call for Proposals - Grant Development
Oct 15, 2014    Call for Proposals - Team Building Workshops
Oct 2, 2014    CADR and NCOHR Announce Winners of Student Research Awards
Sep 30, 2014    Improving access to oral health care for vulnerable people living ...
Sep 17, 2014    NCOHR Feature: Dr. Zeeshan Sheikh
Sep 10, 2014    Funding Award for 2014 Team Building Workshop
Aug 7, 2014    Call for Applications - CADR/NCOHR Student Research Awards
Aug 1, 2014    CIHR - IMHA Newsletter
Jul 16, 2014    Student Poster Awards
Jun 9, 2014    NCOHR Summer Institute: Thinking Interdisciplinarity Symposium
Jun 9, 2014    NCOHR Summer Institute: Advanced Imaging Methods for Craniofacial ...
Jun 2, 2014    NCOHR Hosts Second Canadian Dental Student Workshop
Jun 1, 2014    CIHR - IMHA Newsletter
Jun 1, 2014    Rescuing US biomedical research from its systemic flaws
May 1, 2014    CIHR - IMHA Newsletter
Apr 24, 2014    Oral Health Research in Canada: Trends and Implications
Apr 16, 2014    Funding Awards for 2014 Summer Research Institutes
Apr 1, 2014    CIHR - IMHA Newsletter
Mar 31, 2014    The Dignity of a Smile: Access to Dental Care in Rural Quebec - Wo...
Mar 18, 2014    Supporting Canadian Researchers: Highlights from NCOHR
Mar 10, 2014    Canadian Microbiome Workshop 2014
Mar 3, 2014    2013-2014 CADR Student Research Award Winners
Mar 1, 2014    CIHR - IMHA Newsletter
Feb 1, 2014    CIHR - IMHA Newsletter
Jan 31, 2014    RSBO Retreat, Magog, QC - January 2014
Jan 1, 2014    CIHR - IMHA Newsletter
Dec 17, 2013    2013 IMHA Research Ambassadors Knowledge Translation Award
Nov 29, 2013    Publication - Rapid EEG Activity during Sleep Dominates in Mild Tr...
Nov 1, 2013    CIHR - IMHA Newsletter
Oct 10, 2013    Call for Proposals - Grant Development
Oct 10, 2013    Call for Proposals - Summer Research Institute
Sep 1, 2013    CIHR - IMHA Newsletter
Jul 1, 2013    CIHR - IMHA Newsletter
Jun 11, 2013    High praise for Dental Research Student Workshop
Jun 9, 2013    The Academic Path. A new push is on to entice more grads to seek t...
Jun 6, 2013    Conference to add teeth to dental academia pitch
Jun 1, 2013    CIHR - IMHA Newsletter
Jun 1, 2013    NCOHR Hosts First Canadian Dental Student Workshop
May 24, 2013    Network for Canadian Oral Health Research (NCOHR) host the first C...
May 15, 2013    Oral health network opens new research opportunities
May 14, 2013    Oral health researchers form Canadian network
Mar 16, 2013    Network for Canadian Oral Health Research opens new opportunities
Mar 6, 2013    National Network for Canadian Oral Health Research Announces Works...
Aug 1, 2012    The National Network for Canadian Oral Health Research

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